duncan paul alfred hitchcock

Duncan Paul Alfred Hitchcock duncan paul alfred hitchcock
Duncan Paul Alfred Hitchcock

The perfect panic attack A look back at the career of the master of suspense Hitchcock's name is synonymous with suspense-that is to say, masterful, spine-tingling, thrilling, shocking, excruciating, eye-boggling suspense. With masterpieces such as Rebecca, Vertigo, Rear Window, and Psycho, Alfred Hitchcock (1899-1980) fashioned an extremely original approach to filmmaking that is oft imitated though never equaled; his ability to enthrall and frighten with careful pacing, subtlety, and suggestiveness earned him a prestigious reputation which grows more powerful as time goes by. He is and will always remain the master of cinematic suspense. This book, which traces his life and career, from his earliest silent films to his last picture in 1976, also includes a special bonus that Hitch fans will especially enjoy: an illustrated and annotated list of each of his cameos. The author: Paul Duncan has edited 50 film books for TASCHEN, including the award-winning The Ingmar Bergman Archives, and authored Alfred Hitchcock and Stanley Kubrick in the Film Series.

1012 Руб.

Paul Duncan. Alfred Hitchcock: The Complete Films duncan paul alfred hitchcock
Paul Duncan. Alfred Hitchcock: The Complete Films
Бренд: Республика

Имя Альфреда Хичкока является синонимом саспенса, то есть властного, щекотливого, захватывающего, шокирующего, мучительного, ошеломляющего ожидания. Благодаря таким триумфам, как «Ребекка», «Головокружение», «Окно во двор» и «Психо», Хичкок (1899-1980) создал новый уровень кинематографической интриги и страха благодаря осторожному темпу, тонкости и многозначительности. В этом полном путеводителе рассказывается о жизни и карьере Хичкока, начиная с его первых немых фильмов и заканчивая его последней картиной 1976 года «Семейный заговор». Обновлённая свежими изображениями, книга сочетает в себе подробные записи для каждого из 53 фильмов Хичкока, острое эссе, проливающее свет на его вызывающие страх устройства, фотографии мастера за работой и иллюстрированный список каждой из его камео, вместе складывая к мечте киномана.Пол Дункан — историк кино, чьи книги TASCHEN включают «Архивы Звездных войн», «Архивы Джеймса Бонда», «Архивы Чарли Чаплина», «Семейный альбом Крестного отца», «Таксист», «Фильм-нуар» и «Кино ужасов», а также публикации о режиссерах и жанрах фильмов, и звездах кино.Up close and suspenseful with Alfred Hitchcock. The name Alfred Hitchcock is synonymous with suspense—that is to say, masterful, spine-tingling, thrilling, shocking, excruciating, eye-boggling suspense. With triumphs such as Rebecca, Vertigo, Rear Window, and Psycho, Hitchcock (1899–1980) fashioned a new level of cinematic intrigue and fear through careful pacing, subtlety, and suggestiveness. This complete guide traces Hitchcock’s life and career from his earliest silent films right through to his last picture in 1976, Family Plot. Updated with fresh images, the book combines detailed entries for each of Hitchcock’s 53 films, an incisive essay that sheds light on his fear-inducing devices, photos of the master at work, and an illustrated list of each of his cameos, together adding up to a movie buff’s dream.Paul Duncan is a film historian whose TASCHEN books include The Star Wars Archives, The James Bond Archives, The Charlie Chaplin Archives, The Godfather Family Album, Taxi Driver, Film Noir, and Horror Cinema, as well as publications on film directors, film genres, and movie stars.

4200 Руб.

Duncan Paul Alfred Hitchcock. The Complete Films duncan paul alfred hitchcock
Duncan Paul Alfred Hitchcock. The Complete Films

Up close and suspenseful with Alfred Hitchcock The name Alfred Hitchcock is synonymous with suspense—that is to say, masterful, spine-tingling, thrilling, shocking, excruciating, eye-boggling suspense. With triumphs such as Rebecca, Vertigo, Rear Window, and Psycho, Hitchcock (1899–1980) fashioned a new level of cinematic intrigue and fear through careful pacing, subtlety, and suggestiveness. This complete guide traces Hitchcock’s life and career from his earliest silent films right through to his last picture in 1976, Family Plot. Updated with fresh images, the book combines detailed entries for each of Hitchcock’s 53 films, an incisive essay that sheds light on his fear-inducing devices, photos of the master at work, and an illustrated list of each of his cameos, together adding up to a movie buff’s dream.

7574 Руб.

Alfred Hitchcock - Vertigo duncan paul alfred hitchcock
Alfred Hitchcock - Vertigo
Бренд: Microïds

Автомобиль писателя Эда Миллера разбился, упав в каньон Броуди в Калифорнии, но сам Эд остался цел и невредим.В разбитой машине никого не нашли, но Эд настаивает, что он ехал с женой и дочерью. От пережитого кошмара у него начинаются чудовищные головокружения. Посещая терапевта, он пытается выяснить, что же на самом деле случилось в тот трагический день.Ведите расследование внутри человеческого разума и приготовьтесь сделать страшное открытие: правда порой бывает хуже безумия.Ключевые особенности:Авторская история об одержимости, манипуляциях и безумии, вдохновленная шедевром Vertigo («Головокружение») Альфреда Хичкока.Погрузитесь в игру с захватывающим сюжетом, которая отдает дань уважения визуальным и сценарным приемам жанра триллеров.Ведите расследование с точки зрения трех персонажей: каждый из них может рассказать свою историю.Исследуйте несколько временных линий, чтобы взглянуть на события с разной перспективы и отделить реальность от обманчивых воспоминаний.Игра разработана удостоенной наград студией Pendulo Studios.описание контента для взрослыхРазработчики описывают контент так:Содержит контент для взрослых: описание преступлений, самоубийств, наркотиков.© 2021 Microids SA. All rights reserved. Developed by Pendulo Studios. Published by Microids SA. All rights reserved. Based on the Movie “VERTIGO” by Mr Alfred HITCHCOCK, produced by Alfred J. Hitchcock Productions with permission from the Alfred J. Hitchcock Second Trust. Represented exclusively by REEDER BRAND MANAGEMENT. All Rights Reserved.

1799 Руб.

Ackroyd Peter Alfred Hitchcock duncan paul alfred hitchcock
Ackroyd Peter Alfred Hitchcock

Alfred Hitchcock was a strange child. Fat, lonely, burning with fear and ambition, his childhood was an isolated one, scented with fish from his father's shop. Afraid to leave his bedroom, he would plan great voyages, using railway timetables to plot an exact imaginary route across Europe. So how did this fearful figure become the one of the most respected film directors of the twentieth century? As an adult, Hitch rigorously controlled the press's portrait of himself, drawing certain carefully selected childhood anecdotes into full focus and blurring all others out. In this quick-witted portrait, Ackroyd reveals something more: a lugubriously jolly man fond of practical jokes, who smashes a once-used tea cup every morning to remind himself of the frailty of life. Iconic film stars make cameo appearances, just as Hitch did in his own films. Grace Kelly, Carey Grant and James Stewart despair of his detached directing style, and, perhaps most famously of all, Tippi Hedren endures cuts and bruises from a real-life fearsome flock of birds. Alfred Hitchcock wrests the director's chair back from the master of control and discovers what lurks just out of sight, in the corner of the shot.

3339 Руб.

Книга Alfred Hitchcock (Hardback) duncan paul alfred hitchcock
Книга Alfred Hitchcock (Hardback)

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6373 Руб.

Galbraith Stuart IV Japanese Cinema duncan paul alfred hitchcock
Galbraith Stuart IV Japanese Cinema

Until recently, the western world has viewed Japanese cinema through a very narrow prism. For years, Westerners interested in Japanese film had to content themselves with the collected works of Akira Kurosawa, a spotty sampling of films by Kenji Mizoguchi and Yasujiro Ozu, gobs of anime, and badly dubbed monster movies. Many great filmmakers like Mikio Naruse and Keisuke Kinoshita have remained unknown in the West, and Japanese musicals and comedies are hardly known outside Asia. This volume sets the record straight, illustrating an in-depth history of Japanese cinema with vivid posters and stunning photography. About the editor: Paul Duncan has edited 50 film books for TASCHEN, including the award-winning The Ingmar Bergman Archives, and authored Alfred Hitchcock and Stanley Kubrick in the Film Series. About the author: Stuart Galbraith IV is the author of seven books. He also makes DVD audio commentaries and liner note essays, writes a DVD column for the English edition of The Daily Yomiuri, and reviews DVDs at DVDTalk.com. He lives in Kyoto. Издание на английском языке.

1928 Руб.

Duncan Paul Stanley Kubrick duncan paul alfred hitchcock
Duncan Paul Stanley Kubrick

Past, present, future: the world through Kubrick's eyes The incomparable career of a cinematic genius One of the most esteemed filmmakers of all time, Stanley Kubrick (1928-1999) was also one of the most enigmatic. He broke into the film scene at the age of 26 with the ambitious, independently produced Killer's Kiss and within a few years was working with the likes of Kirk Douglas, Laurence Olivier, and Peter Sellers on seminal movies such as Lolita and Spartacus. Having gained the support of actors, producers, and movie studios with his early efforts, Kubrick garnered the creative control he needed to produce uncompromising masterpieces such as 2001: A Space Odyssey, Clockwork Orange, and Barry Lyndon. Polishing off 1999's Eyes Wide Shut just before his untimely death, Stanley Kubrick left behind a puzzling and positively brilliant body of work. The editor: Paul Duncan has edited 50 film books for TASCHEN, including the award-winning The Ingmar Bergman Archives, and authored Alfred Hitchcock and Stanley Kubrick in the Film Series.

1049 Руб.

Keesey Douglas Jack Nicholson duncan paul alfred hitchcock
Keesey Douglas Jack Nicholson

Jack Nicholson was over thirty, and more than a decade into his acting career, when Easy Rider finally made him a star. His reputation as a rebellious anti-hero was furthered by three notorious confrontations in films of the 1970s: Five Easy Pieces, The Last Detail, and One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest. He has played villains in The Shining and Batman, a hot-headed marine colonel in A Few Good Men, and a ruthless mob boss in The Departed. However, some of his best performances are in less showy roles where his skill is conveyed through subtlety. Jack has often turned down big money parts in order to take riskier roles such as the grim, introverted men in Ironweed, The Crossing Guard, The Pledge, and About Schmidt. Undoubtedly, Nicholson is a very fine actor, and in Chinatown he gives what may be his most memorable performance. About the editor: Paul Duncan has edited 50 film books for TASCHEN, including the award-winning The Ingmar Bergman Archives, and authored Alfred Hitchcock and Stanley Kubrick in the Film Series. About the author: Douglas Keesey is a professor of film and literature at Cal Poly. He is the author of TASCHEN's Erotic Cinema and Paul Verhoeven.

Art Cinema duncan paul alfred hitchcock
Art Cinema

Debate over cinema's credibility as an art form is as old as the medium itself, and largely defined in terms of formal, psychological, ideological, social, or auteurist theories. To explore how artists are also using the medium to investigate a wider range of aesthetic issues that are generally related to modern and contemporary art practices, this book is broken down into 10 subgenres, including abstraction, collage, appropriation, post-surrealism, structuralism, duration, parody, and expanded cinema. The history of each subgenre is illustrated by over 300 films and filmmakers, from past masters such as Hans Richter, Man Ray, and Stan Brakhage to contemporary artists Stan Douglas, Pipilotti Rist, and Doug Aitken; from art-house legends David Lynch, Jean-Luc Godard, and Luis Bunuel to underground icons and contemporary artists Kenneth Anger, Matthew Barney, Bruce Conner, Michael Snow, Owen Land, and Paul McCarthy. About the editor: Paul Duncan has edited 50 film books for TASCHEN, including the award-winning The Ingmar Bergman Archives, and authored Alfred Hitchcock and Stanley Kubrick in the Film Series. About the author: Paul Young, a journalist and curator based in Los Angeles, has a master's degree in film directing, and has lectured on the state of video art in Berlin, Barcelona, and Madrid. He curated the exhibit "Remote Viewing: New Video Art from Europe, the Best of Loop" in Los Angeles and Madrid, and his articles have appeared in the New York Times, the Los Angeles Times, and ARTnews.

1467 Руб.

Printio Лонгслив Alfred hitchcock / альфред хичкок duncan paul alfred hitchcock
Printio Лонгслив Alfred hitchcock / альфред хичкок
Бренд: Printio

Лонгслив — цвет: ЧЁРНЫЙ, пол: МУЖ. Винтажная фэн-арт футболка для поклонников творчества Альфреда Чичкока и актрисы Грэйс Келли

1346 Руб.

Truffaut F. Hitchcock duncan paul alfred hitchcock
Truffaut F. Hitchcock

Based on the famous series of dialogues between Francois Truffaut and Alfred Hitchcock from the 1960s, the book moves chronologically through Hitchcock's films to discuss his career, techniques, and effects he achieved. It changed the way Hitchcock was perceived, as a popular director of suspense films - such as Psycho and The Birds - and revealed to moviegoers and critics, the depth of Hitchcock's perception and his mastery of the art form. As a result of the changed perceptions about Hitchcock, his masterpiece, Vertigo, hit the No 1 slot in Sight & Sound's recent poll of film-makers and critics, displacing Citizen Kane as the Best Film of all time.

2857 Руб.

Truffaut F. Hitchcock duncan paul alfred hitchcock
Truffaut F. Hitchcock

Based on the famous series of dialogues between Francois Truffaut and Alfred Hitchcock from the 1960s, the book moves chronologically through Hitchcock's films to discuss his career, techniques, and effects he achieved. It changed the way Hitchcock was perceived, as a popular director of suspense films - such as Psycho and The Birds - and revealed to moviegoers and critics, the depth of Hitchcock's perception and his mastery of the art form. As a result of the changed perceptions about Hitchcock, his masterpiece, Vertigo, hit the No 1 slot in Sight & Sound's recent poll of film-makers and critics, displacing Citizen Kane as the Best Film of all time.

2857 Руб.

Alfred Hitchcock: Vertigo Limited Edition [Головокружение][PS5, русская версия] duncan paul alfred hitchcock
Alfred Hitchcock: Vertigo Limited Edition [Головокружение][PS5, русская версия]
Бренд: Microids

Игра Alfred Hitchcock: Vertigo Limited Edition на PlayStation 5 - дополненный выпуск приключенческой игры от студии разработчиков Pеndulo Studios и компании Microids. Этот захватывающий триллер вдохновлен кинофильмом Альфреда Хичкока «Головокружение»: по сюжету писатель Эд Миллер переживает автомобильную катастрофу в каньоне Броуди в Калифорнии, но сам остается цел и невредим. Однако он уверен, что в момент аварии с ним в машине находились жена и дочь, но никаких тел или даже следов крови обнаружено не было. Зато в авто был пистолет и бутылка виски, а на соседней ферме полицейские нашли труп знакомого Эда. Так, герой становится главным подозреваемым в деле об убийствах и попадает в дурдом. В игре Alfred Hitchcock: Vertigo Limited Edition на PS5 вам предстоит выступить в роли психотерапевта Эда, чтобы регулярно общаться с ним и выяснить правду о роковом дне. Попробуйте провести самое сложное расследование в вашей жизни, учитывая точки зрения разных персонажей, и исследуйте несколько временных линий, чтобы перепроверить события и отделить истинные и обманчивые воспоминания. Проводите сеансы гипноза, чтобы свободно блуждать по воспоминаниям героя, выполняйте простые задания и с головой погрузитесь в пугающую атмосферу этого проекта. Alfred Hitchcock: Vertigo Limited Edition включает: Помимо диска с игрой, издание также содержит цифровой саундтрек, физическую и цифровую версии артбука и лимитированную коробку.

2980 Руб.

Printio Майка классическая Alfred hitchcock / альфред хичкок duncan paul alfred hitchcock
Printio Майка классическая Alfred hitchcock / альфред хичкок
Бренд: Printio

Майка классическая — цвет: ЧЁРНЫЙ, пол: ЖЕН. Винтажная фэн-арт футболка для поклонников творчества Альфреда Чичкока и актрисы Грэйс Келли

1030 Руб.

Printio Майка классическая Alfred hitchcock / альфред хичкок duncan paul alfred hitchcock
Printio Майка классическая Alfred hitchcock / альфред хичкок
Бренд: Printio

Майка классическая — цвет: ЧЁРНЫЙ, пол: МУЖ. Винтажная фэн-арт футболка для поклонников творчества Альфреда Чичкока и актрисы Грэйс Келли

1030 Руб.


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