jodidio philip 100 contemporary houses

Jodidio Philip 100 Contemporary Houses jodidio philip 100 contemporary houses
Jodidio Philip 100 Contemporary Houses

Domestic bliss: Innovative, intimate architecture from China to Chile Designing private residences has its own very special challenges and nuances for the architect. The scale may be more modest than public projects, the technical fittings less complex than an industrial site, but the preferences, requirements and vision of particular personalities becomes priority. The delicate task is to translate all the emotive associations and practical requirements of "home" into a workable, constructed reality. This publication rounds up 100 of the world's most interesting and pioneering homes from the past decade, featuring a host of talents both new and established, including John Pawson, Richard Meier, Shigeru Ban, Tadao Ando, Zaha Hadid, Herzog and de Meuron, Daniel Libeskind, Alvaro Siza, UNStudio, and Peter Zumthor. Accommodating daily routines of eating, sleeping, and shelter, as well as offering the space for personal experience and relationships, this is architecture at its most elementary and its most intimate. About the series: Bibliotheca Universalis- Compact cultural companions celebrating the eclectic TASCHEN universe at an unbeatable, democratic price! Since we started our work as cultural archaeologists in 1980, the name TASCHEN has become synonymous with accessible, open-minded publishing. Bibliotheca Universalis brings together nearly 100 of our all-time favorite titles in a neat new format so you can curate your own affordable library of art, anthropology, and aphrodisia. Bookworm's delight - never bore, always excite! Text in English, French, and German

2941 Руб.

Philip Jodidio. 100 Contemporary Houses jodidio philip 100 contemporary houses
Philip Jodidio. 100 Contemporary Houses
Бренд: Республика

Designing private residences has its own very special challenges and nuances for the architect. The scale may be more modest than public projects, the technical fittings less complex than an industrial site, but the preferences, requirements and vision of particular personalities becomes priority. The delicate task is to translate all the emotive associations and practical requirements of “home" into a workable, constructed reality. This publication rounds up 100 of the world's most interesting and pioneering homes from the past decade, featuring a host of talents both new and established, including John Pawson, Richard Meier, Shigeru Ban, Tadao Ando, Zaha Hadid, Herzog and de Meuron, Daniel Libeskind, Alvaro Siza, UNStudio, and Peter Zumthor. Accommodating daily routines of eating, sleeping, and shelter, as well as offering the space for personal experience and relationships, this is architecture at its most elementary and its most intimate.

3250 Руб.

Jodidio Philip 100 Contemporary Houses. Vol 1, Vol 2 jodidio philip 100 contemporary houses
Jodidio Philip 100 Contemporary Houses. Vol 1, Vol 2

Designing private homes offers architects more freedom than corporate projects to express their ideas and try out new concepts. Conceiving living spaces is not without its own set of challenges, for which architects are forever looking for innovative solutions-rethinking the way we inhabit our home and live our daily lives is all part of the job when designing a house. Nowadays environmental concerns have become crucial in building sustainable structures, changing the playing field quite profoundly. This two-volume publication rounds up 100 of the world's most interesting and pioneering homes from the past decade, featuring a host of talents both new and established, including John Pawson, Richard Meier, Shigeru Ban, Tadao Ando, Zaha Hadid, Herzog and de Meuron, Daniel Libeskind, Alvaro Siza, UNStudio, and Peter Zumthor.

4048 Руб.

Jodidio Philip Contemporary Houses. 100 Homes Around the World jodidio philip 100 contemporary houses
Jodidio Philip Contemporary Houses. 100 Homes Around the World

Innovative, intimate architecture from China to Chile Designing private residences has its own very special challenges and nuances for the architect. The scale may be more modest than public projects, the technical fittings less complex than an industrial site, but the preferences, requirements, and vision of particular personalities becomes priority. The delicate task is to translate all the emotive associations and practical requirements of “home” into a workable, constructed reality. This publication rounds up 100 of the world’s most interesting and pioneering homes designed in the past two decades, featuring a host of talents both new and established, including John Pawson,Shigeru Ban, Tadao Ando, Zaha Hadid, Herzog & de Meuron, Daniel Libeskind, Alvaro Siza, and Peter Zumthor. Accommodating daily routines of eating, sleeping, and shelter, as well as offering the space for personal experience and relationships, this is architecture at its most elementary and its most intimate.

15147 Руб.

Philip Jodidio. Contemporary Houses. 100 Homes Around the World jodidio philip 100 contemporary houses
Philip Jodidio. Contemporary Houses. 100 Homes Around the World
Бренд: Республика

Open the door into 100 of the most beautiful and pioneering houses of the past two decades. With featured architects including Daniel Libeskind, Herzog & de Meuron, and Zaha Hadid, this is a dependable global digest of the nuances, challenges, and opportunities of turning all the emotional and practical requirements of 'home' into a constructed...

9450 Руб.

Jodidio Philip White Houses jodidio philip 100 contemporary houses
Jodidio Philip White Houses

Devoted to all-white houses, this book celebrates the ever- popular "non-color" as a perfect backdrop for contemporary lifestyles Sometimes seen as an absence of color, white in fact reflects the purity of the entire spectrum. In the history of design, white houses often embody the bright, clean clarity associated with twentieth-century giants Le Corbusier, Ludwig Mies van der Rohe, and Richard Meier. White Houses presents the most striking, innovative, and unusual white houses by contemporary architects, spanning the globe from Asia to the Americas. The featured houses represent every scale and a wide range of locations and terrains, from seaside retreats to space-saving urban homes and grand country residences. From radical new takes on traditional building forms in Latin America to state-of-the-art urban projects in Europe and Japan, each house employs the apparent simplicity of white to reflect light and accent materiality, pressing the frontiers of form to the point of abstraction. No longer an anonymous box, the contemporary white house is the embodiment of the architectural archetype, reinterpreted and refreshed. 260 illustrations

2993 Руб.

Philip Jodidio. Tree Houses jodidio philip 100 contemporary houses
Philip Jodidio. Tree Houses
Бренд: Республика

Out on a Limb The sky is the limit with 50 ingenious tree houses around the world The idea of climbing a tree for shelter, or just to see the earth from another perspective, is as old as humanity. In this neat TASCHEN edition, take a tour of some of our finest arboreal adventures with 50 of the most beautiful, inventive, and enchanting tree houses around the world. From romantic to contemporary, from famed architects to little-known craftsmen, you'll scale the heights to visit all manner of treetop structures, from a teahouse, restaurant, hotel, and children s playhouse to simple perches from which to contemplate life, enjoy the view, and discover that tree houses take as many forms as the imagination can offer. With an abundance of gorgeous photographs and illustrations, this is an ode to alternate living, where playful imagination meets eco-sensitive finesse. Text in English, French, and German.

3250 Руб.

Jodidio Philip Small Houses jodidio philip 100 contemporary houses
Jodidio Philip Small Houses

A sweeping survey of small-scale architectural invention A Small House is a tribute to the endless artistic inventiveness of architects and ingenuity of perception of the familiar and known concepts. It is also a conscious pivot towards sustainability and reduction of impact on the environment as well as a daring attitude of change in lifestyle. As humanity faces inevitable pressures such as climate change, an increase in population, and strain on resources, these solutions are helping shape what the world may look like in the future. Whether in the dense urban areas of Tokyo, the wilderness of Australia, the woods of Canada, or a rooftop in Ecuador, this is the world of Small Houses. The one common point they share, is that they all have an area of no more than 100 square meters. Spanning 25 countries such as Brazil, Hungary, South Korea, Netherlands, USA, Japan, and Australia, described here there are houses designed by 57 architects, including Takeshi Hosaka’s Love2 House, Aranza de Arino’s Casa Tiny, and the work of Jakub Szczesny, Charles Pictet, Lada Hrsak, BIG, and Fran Silvestre, among others. This is a journey not only through recent evolutions in architectural design and creativity, but it is also a step toward a more sustainable world.

15147 Руб.

Jodidio Philip 100 Contemporary Wood Buildings jodidio philip 100 contemporary houses
Jodidio Philip 100 Contemporary Wood Buildings

The wooden structures of the 21st century Not so very long ago, some might have considered wood a material of the past, long since replaced by more modern components such as concrete and steel. The truth is radically different. Bolstered by new manufacturing techniques and ecological benefits, wood has seen a fabulous resurgence in contemporary construction. This book explores how architects around the world have created and invented with this elementary material. Featuring follies, very large buildings, and ambitious urban renewal schemes, it celebrates the diverse deployment of wood by architects around the world. We see how wood can at once transform urban spaces, as in the Metropol Parasol in Seville by Jurgen Mayer H., and allow for sensitive interventions in natural environments, such as at the Termas Geometricas Hot Springs Complex in Pucon, Chile, by German del Sol. True to all TASCHEN architecture titles, the book pays tribute to many emerging international talents as well as to such renowned figures as Tadao Ando and Renzo Piano. It celebrates each architect’s vision and innovation, as well as investigating the techniques, trends, and principles that have informed their work with wood. It examines the computer-guided milling that has allowed for novel new forms, the responsible harvesting that allows wood to align with our environmental concerns, and, above all, wood’s enduring appeal to our senses and psyche, comforting hectic modern lives with a sense of Arcadian simplicity.

10501 Руб.

Jodidio Philip 100 Contemporary Wood Buildings jodidio philip 100 contemporary houses
Jodidio Philip 100 Contemporary Wood Buildings

The wooden structures of the 21st century Not so very long ago, some might have considered wood a material of the past, long since replaced by more modern components such as concrete and steel. The truth is radically different. Bolstered by new manufacturing techniques and ecological benefits, wood has seen a fabulous resurgence in contemporary construction. This Bibliotheca Universalis edition explores how architects around the world have created and invented with this elementary material. Featuring follies, very large buildings, and ambitious urban renewal schemes, it celebrates the diverse deployment of wood by architects around the world. We see how wood can at once transform urban spaces, as in the Metropol Parasol in Seville by Jurgen Mayer H., and allow for sensitive interventions in natural environments, such as at the Termas Geometricas Hot Springs Complex in Pucon, Chile, by German del Sol. True to all TASCHEN architecture titles, the book pays tribute to many emerging international talents as well as to such renowned figures as Tadao Ando and Renzo Piano. It celebrates each architect’s vision and innovation, as well as investigating the techniques, trends, and principles that have informed their work with wood. It examines the computer-guided milling that has allowed for novel new forms, the responsible harvesting that allows wood to align with our environmental concerns, and, above all, wood’s enduring appeal to our senses and psyche, comforting hectic modern lives with a sense of Arcadian simplicity.

2941 Руб.

Philip Jodidio. 100 Contemporary Wood Buildings jodidio philip 100 contemporary houses
Philip Jodidio. 100 Contemporary Wood Buildings
Бренд: Республика

Not so very long ago, some might have considered wood a material of the past, long since replaced by more modern components such as concrete and steel. The truth is radically different. Bolstered by new manufacturing techniques and ecological benefits, wood has seen a fabulous resurgence in contemporary construction.This Bibliotheca Universalis edition explores how architects around the world have created and invented with this elementary material. Featuring follies, very large buildings, and ambitious urban renewal schemes, it celebrates the diverse deployment of wood by architects around the world. We see how wood can at once transform urban spaces, as in the Metropol Parasol in Seville by Jurgen Mayer H., and allow for sensitive interventions in natural environments, such as at the Termas Geometricas Hot Springs Complex in Pucon, Chile, by German del Sol.True to all TASCHEN architecture titles, the book pays tribute to many emerging international talents as well as to such renowned figures as Tadao Ando and Renzo Piano. It celebrates each architect's vision and innovation, as well as investigating the techniques, trends, and principles that have informed their work with wood. It examines the computer-guided milling that has allowed for novel new forms, the responsible harvesting that allows wood to align with our environmental concerns, and, above all, wood's enduring appeal to our senses and psyche, comforting hectic modern lives with a sense of Arcadian simplicity."From a functional tree house to inspired restaurants, this collection instructs on the ecology of wooden construction, with plenty of eye candy for architecture enthusiasts."- TIME, New York.

2750 Руб.

Philip Jodidio. Small Houses XL jodidio philip 100 contemporary houses
Philip Jodidio. Small Houses XL
Бренд: Республика

Широкий обзор мелкомасштабных архитектурных изобретений.«Маленький дом» — дань безграничной художественной изобретательности архитекторов и изобретательности восприятия привычных и известных понятий. Это также сознательный поворот к устойчивости и снижению воздействия на окружающую среду, а также смелое отношение к изменению образа жизни. Поскольку человечество сталкивается с неизбежными проблемами, такими как изменение климата, рост населения и нехватка ресурсов, эти решения помогают сформировать то, как мир может выглядеть в будущем.Будь то плотные городские районы Токио, глушь Австралии, леса Канады или крыша Эквадора, это мир Маленьких Домов. Единственная общая черта, которую они разделяют, заключается в том, что все они имеют площадь не более 100 квадратных метров. Охватывая 25 стран, таких как Бразилия, Венгрия, Южная Корея, Нидерланды, США, Япония и Австралия, здесь описаны дома, спроектированные 57 архитекторами, в том числе Love2 House Такеши Хосаки, Casa Tiny Арансы де Ариньо и работы Якуба Щенсного. Шарль Пикте, Лада Хршак, BIG, Фран Сильвестр и другие. Это путешествие не только через последние изменения в архитектурном дизайне и творчестве, но и шаг к более устойчивому миру.A sweeping survey of small-scale architectural inventionA Small House is a tribute to the endless artistic inventiveness of architects and ingenuity of perception of the familiar and known concepts. It is also a conscious pivot towards sustainability and reduction of impact on the environment as well as a daring attitude of change in lifestyle. As humanity faces inevitable pressures such as climate change, an increase in population, and strain on resources, these solutions are helping shape what the world may look like in the future.Whether in the dense urban areas of Tokyo, the wilderness of Australia, the woods of Canada, or a rooftop in Ecuador, this is the world of Small Houses. The one common point they share, is that they all have an area of no more than 100 square meters. Spanning 25 countries such as Brazil, Hungary, South Korea, Netherlands, USA, Japan, and Australia, described here there are houses designed by 57 architects, including Takeshi Hosaka’s Love2 House, Aranza de Ariño’s Casa Tiny, and the work of Jakub Szczęsny, Charles Pictet, Lada Hršak, BIG, and Fran Silvestre, among others. This is a journey not only through recent evolutions in architectural design and creativity, but it is also a step toward a more sustainable world.

9450 Руб.

Philip Jodidio. Homes for our Time. Contemporary Houses around the World jodidio philip 100 contemporary houses
Philip Jodidio. Homes for our Time. Contemporary Houses around the World
Бренд: Республика

Across small cottages and lavish villas, beach houses and forest refuges, discover the world's finest crop of new homes. This cutting-edge global digest features such talents as Shigeru Ban, MVRDV, and Marcio Kogan alongside up-and-coming names like Aires Mateus, Xu Fu-Min, Vo Trong Nghia, Desai Chia, and Shunri Nishizawa.Here, there are homes in Australia and New Zealand, fr

4150 Руб.

Jodidio Philip Homes for Our Time. Contemporary Houses around the World jodidio philip 100 contemporary houses
Jodidio Philip Homes for Our Time. Contemporary Houses around the World

Step into the world's most beautiful private abodes Across small cottages and lavish villas, beach houses and forest refuges, discover the world's finest crop of new homes. This cutting-edge global digest features such talents as Shigeru Ban, MVRDV, and Marcio Kogan alongside up-and-coming names like Aires Mateus, Xu Fu-Min, Vo Trong Nghia, Desai Chia, and Shunri Nishizawa. Here, there are homes in Australia and New Zealand, from China and Vietnam, in the United States and Mexico, and on to less expected places like Ecuador and Costa Rica. The result is a sweeping survey of the contemporary house and a revelation that homes across the globe may have more in common than expected. Among guava trees and abandoned forts in Western India is a sanctuary designed for and by Kamal Malik of Malik Architecture. The House of Three Streams is a sprawling spectacle with high ceilings, verandas, and pavilions, perched atop a ridge overlooking two ravines. A medley of steel, glass, wood, and stone, the house weaves along the contour of the landscape, almost as an extension of the forest. Encina House by Aranguren & Gallegos, an elegant, sloping structure reminiscent of a gazebo, similarly inhabits its surrounding vista. Ensconced in a pine forest north of Madrid, the lower level is embedded in rock and connected to the upper by a natural stone wall. Shinichi Ogawa's Seaside House is an immaculate two-story minimalist marvel in Kanagawa that overlooks the Pacific. Its living area spills onto a cantilevered terrace and infinity pool, almost dissolving into the ocean as one seamless entity. In Vietnam, Shunri Nishizawa's House in Chau Doc exudes tropical sophistication with exposed timber beams, woven bamboo, plants, concrete panels, and inner balconies and terraces. Its corrugated iron panels act as moveable walls and shutters, ushering in views of surrounding rice fields. These homes-along with more than 50 others-are each remarkably distinct in design. They all, however, toe the line between inside and outside, each one symbiotic with its surroundings.

8191 Руб.

Jodidio Philip Contemporary Concrete Buildings jodidio philip 100 contemporary houses
Jodidio Philip Contemporary Concrete Buildings

Concrete? That characterless stuff of parking lots or Communist tower blocks, right? Well, yes. And no. Concrete is actually a name applied to a remarkably wide range of building substances, and, when properly handled, is one of the noble materials of contemporary architecture. A kind of "liquid stone" at the outset, it is malleable, durable, and capable of prodigious feats of engineering. This Bibliotheca Universalis edition highlights the best work done in concrete of recent years. It includes such stars as Zaha Hadid, Herzog & de Meuron, and Steven Holl, but also surprising new architects like the Russians SPEECH and artists such as James Turrell, who turned the famous concrete spiral of Frank Lloyd Wright's Guggenheim in New York into the setting of one of his most remarkable pieces.

5049 Руб.

Jodidio Philip Contemporary Japanese Architecture jodidio philip 100 contemporary houses
Jodidio Philip Contemporary Japanese Architecture

A survey of Japan’s contemporary architecture scene The contemporary architecture of Japan has long been among the most inventive in the world, recognized for sustainability and infinite creativity. No fewer than seven Japanese architects have won the Pritzker Prize. Since Osaka World Expo ’70 brought contemporary forms center stage, Japan has been a key player in global architecture. With his intentionally limited vocabulary of geometric forms, Tadao Ando has since then put Japanese building on the world’s cultural map, establishing a bridge between East and West. In the wake of Ando’s mostly concrete buildings, figures like Kengo Kuma (Japan National Stadium intended for the Olympic Games, originally planned for 2020), Shigeru Ban (Mount Fuji World Heritage Center), and Kazuyo Sejima (Kanazawa Museum of 21st Century Art of Contemporary Art) pioneered a more sustainable approach. Younger generations have successfully developed new directions in Japanese architecture that are in harmony with nature and connected to traditional building. Rather than planning on the drawing board, the architects presented in this collection stand out for their endless search for forms, truly reacting on their environment. Presenting the latest in Japanese building, this book reveals how this unique creativity is a fruit of Japan’s very particular situation that includes high population density, a modern, efficient economy, a long history, and the continual presence of disasters in the form of earthquakes. Accepting ambiguity, as seen in the evanescent reflections of Sejima’s Kanazawa Museum, or constant change and the threat of catastrophe is a key to understanding what makes Japanese architecture different from that of Europe or America. This XL-sized book highlights 39 architects and 55 exceptional projects by Japanese masters—from Tadao Ando’s Shanghai Poly Theater, Shigeru Ban’s concert hall La Seine Musical, SANAA’S Grace Farms, Fumihiko Maki’s 4 World Trade Center, to Takashi Suo’s much smaller sustainable dental clinic. Each project is introduced with photos, original floor plans and technical drawings, as well as insightful descriptions and brief biographies. An elaborate essay traces the country’s building scene from the Metabolists to today and shows how the interaction of past, present, and future has earned contemporary Japanese architecture worldwide recognition.

12948 Руб.


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