
0711297533736, Виниловая пластинка Gogol Bordello, Solidaritine (coloured) gogol
0711297533736, Виниловая пластинка Gogol Bordello, Solidaritine (coloured)
Бренд: IAO

Студийный альбом американской цыганской панк-группы Gogol Bordello, выпущенный в 2022 году. В записи участвовали британский хардкор-панк и регги музыкант H.R. и украинская электро-фолк группа Kazka. Издание на 180-гр синем виниле. Gogol Bordello - уникальный интернациональный проект, образованный в Америке, сочетающий в своей музыке рок, панк-рок, фолк, цыганские ритмы, с насыщенным инструментальным звучанием и театрализованными постановками на сцене.

4660 Руб.

0711297533736, Виниловая пластинка Gogol Bordello, Solidaritine (coloured) gogol
0711297533736, Виниловая пластинка Gogol Bordello, Solidaritine (coloured)
Бренд: IAO

Студийный альбом американской цыганской панк-группы Gogol Bordello, выпущенный в 2022 году. В записи участвовали британский хардкор-панк и регги музыкант H.R. и украинская электро-фолк группа Kazka. Издание на 180-гр синем виниле. Gogol Bordello - уникальный интернациональный проект, образованный в Америке, сочетающий в своей музыке рок, панк-рок, фолк, цыганские ритмы, с насыщенным инструментальным звучанием и театрализованными постановками на сцене.

5170 Руб.

Виниловая пластинка Gogol Bordello: Seekers & Finders. 1 LP gogol
Виниловая пластинка Gogol Bordello: Seekers & Finders. 1 LP

1. Did It All2. Walking on the Burning Coal3. Break into Your Higher Self4. Seekers and Finders5. Familia Bonfireball6. Clearvoyance7. Saboteur Blues8. Love Gangsters9. If I Ever Get Home Before Dark10. You Know Who We Are (Uprooted Funk)11. Still That Way"Seekers And Finders" - студийный альбом американская рок-группы Gogol Bordello, выпущенный в 2017 году. Gogol Bordello вернулись с их первым альбомом за последние четыре года и седьмым по счету во всей дискографии музыкантов. По традиции, фирменный звук фолк-панкеров складывается из мощного вокала Гудзя, скрипичных партий Сергея Рябцева и разбитного аккордеона. Gogol Bordello - уникальный интернациональный проект, образованный в Америке, сочетающий в своей музыке рок, панк-рок, фолк, цыганские ритмы, с насыщенным инструментальным звучанием и театрализованными постановками на сцене.11/9/17

Lahiri J. The Namesake gogol
Lahiri J. The Namesake

Gogol was named in haste after his father's favourite author. Growing up in an Indian family in suburban America, he finds himself yearning to cast off his awkward name, and with it the inherited values it represents. Determined to live a life far removed from that of his parents, Gogol sets off on his own path, only to discover that the search for identity depends on much more than a name.

Lahiri J. The Namesake gogol
Lahiri J. The Namesake

Gogol was named in haste after his father's favourite author. Growing up in an Indian family in suburban America, he finds himself yearning to cast off his awkward name, and with it the inherited values it represents. Determined to live a life far removed from that of his parents, Gogol sets off on his own path, only to discover that the search for identity depends on much more than a name.

Gogol Nikolai Nouvelles de Petersbourg gogol
Gogol Nikolai Nouvelles de Petersbourg

Gogol n'a jamais concu les " nouvelles de Petersbourg " comme un projet global qu'il aurait realise chapitre apres chapitre. Le titre, d'ailleurs, n'a ete invente qu'apres sa mort, par des editeurs, Saint-Petersbourg n'est pas pour lui l'objet d'une etude systematique, mais l'occasion de voyages fantastiques, au sens le plus large du terme. C'est la ville des rencontres inopinees. Chacun peut y tomber sur des voleurs (Le Manteau), sur un tableau enigmatique (Le Portrait), sur deux chiens qui parlent (Journal d'un fou), ou encore... sur son propre nez, deguise en conseiller d'Etat (Le Nez). De meme que les heros de La Perspective Nevski suivent chacun une inconnue qui passe, de meme Gogol s'empare d'une idee et se laisse mener par elle, dans le labyrinthe des surprises cocasses, des deceptions, des epouvantes, de la folie, de la damnation. Traduire Gogol est un bonheur et une difficile epreuve. Car il s'agit d'un ecrivain qui joue de tous les styles, depuis la banale grandiloquence jusqu'au debraille chaotique, multipliant les surprises et les inventions, suggerant des intonations ronflantes ou sarcastiques. Comedien ne, merveilleux lecteur a haute voix, Gogol laisse les mots imaginer. Il devine en eux d'infinis secrets, et s'abandonne a leur pouvoir. On l'a dit " realiste ". Mais le realisme n'est qu'un aspect de cette oeuvre hyperbolique, traversee de nostalgies et de terreurs inexplicables, empreinte d'une bouleversante bouffonnerie. Curieuse coincidence : Gogol est ne la meme annee qu'Edgar Poe et partage sans le savoir son gout pour un mot magique : " arabesque ".

Gogol Nikolai Nouvelles de Petersbourg gogol
Gogol Nikolai Nouvelles de Petersbourg

Attache, tel un diable visionnaire, aux pas chancelants de ses personnages, pantins grotesques autant qu'ils sont pathetiques, Gogol parcourt Petersbourg, transfiguree sous sa plume en un inquietant theatre d'ombres. Du Manteau au Portrait, en passant par Le journal d'un fou, Le Nez et La Perspective Nevsky, ces nouvelles fantastiques et cocasses, par-dela la satire de la societe russe, donnent a voir un univers imprevisible, gouverne par le non-sens. Ainsi que l'ecrivait Nabokov, "l'essence de l'humanite est derivee d'une maniere irrationnelle du chaos de faux-semblants qui compose le monde de Gogol".

Gogol N. A Place Bewitched and Other Stories gogol
Gogol N. A Place Bewitched and Other Stories

Nikolai Gogol was one of the nineteenth century's greatest and most influential Russian writers, a realist whose witty and acerbic observations and his taste for the absurd give his writing its strange, comic voice.Selected from the work of Constance Garnett, one of Gogol's earliest translators, this edition presents a new, exclusive collection of Gogol's short fiction, selected and lightly revised by Natasha Randall. Contextualized by Randall's preface, and full of the wit of Garenett's work, this edition is the perfect introduction to Gogol, and a must for the enthusiast.

Gogol N. A Place Bewitched and Other Stories gogol
Gogol N. A Place Bewitched and Other Stories

Nikolai Gogol was one of the nineteenth century's greatest and most influential Russian writers, a realist whose witty and acerbic observations and his taste for the absurd give his writing its strange, comic voice.Selected from the work of Constance Garnett, one of Gogol's earliest translators, this edition presents a new, exclusive collection of Gogol's short fiction, selected and lightly revised by Natasha Randall. Contextualized by Randall's preface, and full of the wit of Garenett's work, this edition is the perfect introduction to Gogol, and a must for the enthusiast.

Gogol Nikolai Dead Souls gogol
Gogol Nikolai Dead Souls

Издание на английском языке. A stranger arrives in a Russian backwater community with a bizarre proposition for the local landowners: cash for their "dead souls," the serfs who have died in their service. Gogol's comic masterpiece offers a vast and satirical painting of 19th-century Russia. A work of great symbolism, it continues to inspire 21st-century authors and readers.

Gogol Nikolai Dead Souls gogol
Gogol Nikolai Dead Souls

Since its publication in 1842, Dead Souls has been celebrated as a supremely realistic portrait of provincial Russian life and as a splendidly exaggerated tale; as a paean to the Russian spirit and as a remorseless satire of imperial Russian venality, vulgarity, and pomp. As Gogol's wily antihero, Chichikov, combs the back country wheeling and dealing for "dead souls" - deceased serfs who still represent money to anyone sharp enough to trade in them--we are introduced to a Dickensian cast of peasants, landowners, and conniving petty officials, few of whom can resist the seductive illogic of Chichikov's proposition. This lively, idiomatic English version by the award-winning translators Richard Pevear and Larissa Volokhonsky makes accessible the full extent of the novel's lyricism, sulphurous humour, and delight in human oddity and error.

3631 Руб.

Gogol Nikolai Petersburg Tales gogol
Gogol Nikolai Petersburg Tales

Written in the 1830s and early 1840s, these comic stories tackle life behind the cold and elegant faade of the imperial capital from the viewpoints of various characters, such as a collegiate assessor who one day finds that his nose has detached itself from his face and risen the ranks to become a state councillor ("The Nose"), a painter and a lieutenant whose romantic pursuits meet with contrasting degrees of success ("Nevsky Prospect"), and a lowly civil servant whose existence desperately unravels when he loses his prized new coat ("The Overcoat"). Also including "Diary of Madman," these Petersburg Tales paint a critical yet hilarious portrait of a city riddled with pomposity and self-importance, masterfully juxtaposing 19th-century realism with madcap surrealism, and combining absurdist farce with biting satire.

1726 Руб.

Gogol Nikolai Dead Souls gogol
Gogol Nikolai Dead Souls

Russia in the 1840s. There is a stranger in town, and he is behaving oddly. The unctuous Pavel Chichikov goes around the local estates buying up 'dead souls'. These are the papers relating to serfs who have died since the last census, but who remain on the record and still attract a tax demand. Chichikov is willing to relieve their owners of the tax burden by buying the titles for a song. What he does not say is that he then proposes to take out a huge mortgage against these fictitious citizens and buy himself a nice estate in Eastern Russia. Will he get away with it? Who will rumble him? Does this narrative contain a deeper message about Russia itself or the spiritual health of humanity? There is much interest and some suspense in considering these issues, but the real pleasure of this story lies elsewhere. It is an enjoyable comic romp through a retarded part of a backward country, a picaresque series of grotesque portraits, situations and conversations described with Gogolian humour based mainly on hyperbole. This is, quite simply, the funniest book in the Russian language before the twentieth century.

Gogol Nikolai The Nose gogol
Gogol Nikolai The Nose

Russia's great nineteenth-century satirical absurdist shows what happens when a man wakes up with his nose missing, and illustrates the folly of boasting. 'Strangely enough, I mistook it for a gentleman at first. Fortunately I had my spectacles with me so I could see it was really a nose.' With this pair of absurd, comic stories Gogol indulges his imagination and delights readers. Introducing Little Black Classics: 80 books for Penguin's 80th birthday. Little Black Classics celebrate the huge range and diversity of Penguin Classics, with books from around the world and across many centuries. They take us from a balloon ride over Victorian London to a garden of blossom in Japan, from Tierra del Fuego to 16th-century California and the Russian steppe. Here are stories lyrical and savage; poems epic and intimate; essays satirical and inspirational; and ideas that have shaped the lives of millions. Nikolay Gogol (1809-1852). Gogol's works available in Penguin Classics are Dead Souls, Diary of a Madman, The Government Inspector & Selected Stories and The Night Before Christmas.

Gogol Nikolai Taras Boulba gogol
Gogol Nikolai Taras Boulba

Un episode imaginaire de la lutte des cosaques contre les Polonais dans l'Ukraine du XVIIe siecle. Le vieux Taras Boulba, cosaque des temps heroiques, apres avoir initie a la guerre ses deux fils, perd l'aine sous les coups de l'ennemi et tue de ses propres mains le cadet qui, amoureux d'une Polonaise catholique, a trahi sa famille et la foi orthodoxe. A la suite de deux grandes batailles, Taras Boulba est fait prisonnier et meurt brule vif sur le bucher. La reussite du recit, ecrit par Gogol quand il a a peine vingt-six ans, tient a ce que le souffle epique y cotoie sans cesse la truculence quasi rabelaisienne de la fete, des beuveries cosaques, mais aussi l'evocation poetique d'une Ukraine primitive.

2696 Руб.

Gogol Nikolai Dead Souls gogol
Gogol Nikolai Dead Souls

Предлагаем вниманию читателей поэму в прозе великого русского писателя Н.В.Гоголя "Мертвые души", рассказывающую о похождениях Павла Ивановича Чичикова, авантюриста, скупающего у провинциальных помещиков "мертвые души". Перед читателем предстает панорама русской провинциальной жизни середины XIX века.

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