carroll margaret d hieronymus bosch

Carroll Margaret D. Hieronymus Bosch carroll margaret d hieronymus bosch
Carroll Margaret D. Hieronymus Bosch

A new and exciting interpretation of Bosch's masterpiece, repositioning the triptych as a history of humanity and the natural world. Hieronymus Bosch's (c. 1450-1516) Garden of Earthly Delights has elicited a sense of wonder for centuries. Over ten feet long and seven feet tall, it demands that we step back to take it in, while its surface, intricately covered with fantastical creatures in dazzling detail, draws us closer. In this highly original reassessment, Margaret D. Carroll reads the Garden as a speculation about the origin of the cosmos, the life-history of earth, and the transformation of humankind from the first age of world history to the last. Upending traditional interpretations of the painting as a moralizing depiction of God's wrath, human sinfulness, and demonic agency, Carroll argues that it represents Bosch's exploration of progressive changes in the human condition and the natural world. Extensively researched and beautifully illustrated, this groundbreaking secular analysis draws on new findings about Bosch's idiosyncratic painting technique, his curiosity about natural history, his connections to the Burgundian court, and his experience of contemporary politics. The book offers fresh insights into the artist and his most beloved and elusive painting.

7863 Руб.

Margaret D. Carroll. Hieronymus Bosch carroll margaret d hieronymus bosch
Margaret D. Carroll. Hieronymus Bosch
Бренд: Республика

Новая захватывающая интерпретация шедевра Босха, перепозиционирующая триптих как историю человечества и мира природы.«Сад земных наслаждений» Иеронима Босха (ок. 1450–1516) на протяжении веков вызывал чувство удивления. Более десяти футов в длину и семи футов в высоту он требует, чтобы мы отступили на шаг, чтобы рассмотреть его, в то время как его поверхность, замысловато покрытая фантастическими существами с ослепительными деталями, притягивает нас ближе. В этой весьма оригинальной переоценке Маргарет Д. Кэрролл рассматривает Сад как размышление о происхождении космоса, истории жизни Земли и трансформации человечества от первой эпохи мировой истории до последней. Перевернув традиционные интерпретации картины как морализирующего изображения Божьего гнева, человеческой греховности и демонической деятельности, Кэрролл утверждает, что она представляет собой исследование Босхом прогрессивных изменений в состоянии человека и мире природы.Этот новаторский светский анализ, тщательно исследованный и прекрасно иллюстрированный, основан на новых открытиях об уникальной технике живописи Босха, его интересе к естествознанию, его связях с бургундским двором и его опыте современной политики. Книга предлагает свежий взгляд на художника и его самую любимую и неуловимую картину.A new and exciting interpretation of Bosch’s masterpiece, repositioning the triptych as a history of humanity and the natural worldHieronymus Bosch’s (c. 1450–1516) Garden of Earthly Delights has elicited a sense of wonder for centuries. Over ten feet long and seven feet tall, it demands that we step back to take it in, while its surface, intricately covered with fantastical creatures in dazzling detail, draws us closer. In this highly original reassessment, Margaret D. Carroll reads the Garden as a speculation about the origin of the cosmos, the life-history of earth, and the transformation of humankind from the first age of world history to the last. Upending traditional interpretations of the painting as a moralizing depiction of God’s wrath, human sinfulness, and demonic agency, Carroll argues that it represents Bosch’s exploration of progressive changes in the human condition and the natural world.Extensively researched and beautifully illustrated, this groundbreaking secular analysis draws on new findings about Bosch’s idiosyncratic painting technique, his curiosity about natural history, his connections to the Burgundian court, and his experience of contemporary politics. The book offers fresh insights into the artist and his most beloved and elusive painting.

5730 Руб.

Кэрролл М.Д. Hieronymus Bosch: Time and Transformation in The Garden of Earthly Delights carroll margaret d hieronymus bosch
Кэрролл М.Д. Hieronymus Bosch: Time and Transformation in The Garden of Earthly Delights

A new and exciting interpretation of Bosch’s masterpiece, repositioning the triptych as a history of humanity and the natural worldHieronymus Bosch’s (c. 1450–1516) Garden of Earthly Delights has elicited a sense of wonder for centuries. Over ten feet long and seven feet tall, it demands that we step back to take it in, while its surface, intricately covered with fantastical creatures in dazzling detail, draws us closer. In this highly original reassessment, Margaret D. Carroll reads the Garden as a speculation about the origin of the cosmos, the life-history of earth, and the transformation of humankind from the first age of world history to the last. Upending traditional interpretations of the painting as a moralizing depiction of God’s wrath, human sinfulness, and demonic agency, Carroll argues that it represents Bosch’s exploration of progressive changes in the human condition and the natural world.Extensively researched and beautifully illustrated, this groundbreaking secular analysis draws on new findings about Bosch’s idiosyncratic painting technique, his curiosity about natural history, his connections to the Burgundian court, and his experience of contemporary politics. The book offers fresh insights into the artist and his most beloved and elusive painting.

4156 Руб.

Кэрролл М.Д. Hieronymus Bosch: Time and Transformation in The Garden of Earthly Delights carroll margaret d hieronymus bosch
Кэрролл М.Д. Hieronymus Bosch: Time and Transformation in The Garden of Earthly Delights

A new and exciting interpretation of Bosch’s masterpiece, repositioning the triptych as a history of humanity and the natural worldHieronymus Bosch’s (c. 1450–1516) Garden of Earthly Delights has elicited a sense of wonder for centuries. Over ten feet long and seven feet tall, it demands that we step back to take it in, while its surface, intricately covered with fantastical creatures in dazzling detail, draws us closer. In this highly original reassessment, Margaret D. Carroll reads the Garden as a speculation about the origin of the cosmos, the life-history of earth, and the transformation of humankind from the first age of world history to the last. Upending traditional interpretations of the painting as a moralizing depiction of God’s wrath, human sinfulness, and demonic agency, Carroll argues that it represents Bosch’s exploration of progressive changes in the human condition and the natural world.Extensively researched and beautifully illustrated, this groundbreaking secular analysis draws on new findings about Bosch’s idiosyncratic painting technique, his curiosity about natural history, his connections to the Burgundian court, and his experience of contemporary politics. The book offers fresh insights into the artist and his most beloved and elusive painting.

4156 Руб.

Hieronymus Bosch. Coloring Book carroll margaret d hieronymus bosch
Hieronymus Bosch. Coloring Book

A Coloring Book with beautiful paintings by Hieronymus Bosch to color in and complete! The fantastic pictures by the Netherlandish painter Hieronymus Bosch are full of imagination and mystery. Even after more than 500 years they have never ceased to fascinate their viewers. His mysterious works are filled with strange figures, exotic animals from distant lands, fabulous beings, giant fruits, brightly colored birds, imaginative forms, fountains and towers. Come and join him in his mysterious dream world! Which colors and animals do you like best? Have fun coloring!

1374 Руб.

Bosing Walter Hieronymus Bosch carroll margaret d hieronymus bosch
Bosing Walter Hieronymus Bosch

As cryptic as they are compelling, the masterpieces of Hieronymus Bosch (c. 1450-1516) remain some of the most enduring enigmas of the art world. Their intricate, allegorical, and often startling content has captivated not only art historians, but also fashion designers, rock stars, writers, and punk rockers, as well as countless modern and contemporary artist successors. Although rooted in the Old Netherlandish tradition, Bosch developed a highly subjective, richly suggestive style to render both the celestial bliss of heaven and the grotesque tortures of hell, most famously and meticulously excecuted in The Garden of Earthly Delights. Here, as in his other known works, his artistic language combined religious humility with a razor-sharp wit, often playing off pictorial versions of contemporary proverbs or figures of speech. This book ties together the elusive threads of Bosch's oeuvre to provide a concise introduction to an at once haunting and enthralling pictorial world.

2298 Руб.

Hieronymus Bosch. Equivoke (CD) carroll margaret d hieronymus bosch
Hieronymus Bosch. Equivoke (CD)
Бренд: SoundAge

Музыкальный альбом.Список музыкальных треков:Zero On A DiceFingerprint LabyrinthMonad HecatombForlorn LuminaryStones And StocksTracer Bullet Falling StarScrupulumBrokeScoffer TragedianThe Mime.

Книга Hieronymus Bosch (Paperback) carroll margaret d hieronymus bosch
Книга Hieronymus Bosch (Paperback)

Товары хобби и творчества. Закажите из-за рубежа по низким ценам через CDEK.Shopping.

4666 Руб.

Fischer Stefan Hieronymus Bosch. Das vollständige Werk carroll margaret d hieronymus bosch
Fischer Stefan Hieronymus Bosch. Das vollständige Werk

Der Bilderkosmos des Hieronymus Bosch Lediglich zwanzig Gemalde und acht Zeichnungen konnen dem niederlandischen Maler Hieronymus Bosch (um 1450–1516) zweifelsfrei zugeordnet werden, doch durch ihre fantastischen Visionen haben ihm diese wenigen Werke einen Platz unter den Ikonen der Kunstgeschichte gesichert. Auch ein halbes Jahrtausend nach seinem Tod fesseln seine Bilder nicht nur die Fachwelt. Seine Motive zieren Kleider, T-Shirts, Doc Martens, Plattencover und Skateboards. Diese Ausgabe bietet den kompletten Bosch in kompaktem Format. Anhand von Doppelseiten und sorgfaltig ausgewahlten Ausschnittvergro?erungen lasst sich die ebenso geniale wie verstorende Fantasie dieses Kunstlers im Detail betrachten – groteske Zwitterwesen, alptraumhafte Szenerien, verbluffende Verbildlichungen zeitgenossischer Sprichworter und Redensarten. Was das alles zu bedeuten hat, erklart der Kunsthistoriker und ausgewiesene Bosch-Fachmann Stefan Fischer.

5724 Руб.

Carroll Lewis Alice au Pays des Merveilles carroll margaret d hieronymus bosch
Carroll Lewis Alice au Pays des Merveilles

Le chef-d’?uvre de Lewis Carroll sublime par l’?uvre poetique et delicate d’Arthur Rackham. A travers 48 illustrations superbement reproduites, cet ouvrage propose une lecture du mythe d’Alice a la (de)mesure de l’imaginaire baroque de Lewis Carroll.

11772 Руб.

Fischer Stefan Hieronymus Bosch. Complete Works carroll margaret d hieronymus bosch
Fischer Stefan Hieronymus Bosch. Complete Works

Renaissance radical: The haunting visions of Hieronymus Bosch Only 20 paintings and eight drawings are confidently assigned to Netherlandish painter Hieronymus Bosch (c. 1450-1516) but in their fantastical visions they have secured his place as one of the most cult artists in history. 500 years on from his death, his works continue to inspire scholars, artists, designers, and musicians, death metal band names and designer dresses. This Bibliotheca Universalis edition offers the complete and haunting Bosch world in one compact format. Through full spreads and carefully curated details, we explore the full reach and compelling inventions of the artist's genius as well as disturbing imagination. We encounter his hybrid creatures, his nightmarish scenarios, his religious and moral framework, and his pictorial versions of contemporary proverbs and idioms. Along the way, art historian and Bosch expert Stefan Fischer reveals the most important themes and influences in these cryptic, mesmerizing masterpieces. About the series: Bibliotheca Universalis- Compact cultural companions celebrating the eclectic TASCHEN universe at an unbeatable, democratic price! Since we started our work as cultural archaeologists in 1980, the name TASCHEN has become synonymous with accessible, open-minded publishing. Bibliotheca Universalis brings together nearly 100 of our all-time favorite titles in a neat new format so you can curate your own affordable library of art, anthropology, and aphrodisia. Bookworm's delight - never bore, always excite!

3676 Руб.

Hieronymus Bosch. The Human Abstract (CD) carroll margaret d hieronymus bosch
Hieronymus Bosch. The Human Abstract (CD)

Стиль: Death Metal / Progressive MetalВпервые на CD - переиздание культового альбома легендарной группы HIERONYMUS BOSCH, которую многие раньше знали, как просто BOSCH. Эта группа может по праву считаться прародителем российского techno death metal.Одна из лучших российских групп - великолепные музыканты, интересная и сложная музыка. Альбом был записан в феврале 1995 года на "Ария-рекордс". Но, даже сегодня, этот материал ничуть не потерял актуальности и звучит невероятно свежо, технично и качественно, отличаясь оригинальностью композиторского подхода, превосходными мелодиями и сложными завораживающими аранжировками. Кроме того, запись прошла ремастеринг в 2004 году, и теперь звучит на несколько порядков лучше.Состав группыВсеволод Горбенко - бас, вокалВладимир Лейвиман - гитараПавел Богородицкий - барабаныВячеслав Молчанов - гитараСписок музыкальных треков:The Apogee 4:42Though Racism Form 5:05Petra Scandali 4:34Black Lake Blues 1:35The Human Abstract 4:44Mental Perfection 4:13The Garden Of Earthly Delights 4:54Doubt Soul 3:08Expectation Of Autumn 1:04Near Death Expirience 4:17Trust Is A Dirt 2:34.

Stefan Fischer. Hieronymus Bosch. The Complete Works. 40th Ed. (Hardcover) carroll margaret d hieronymus bosch
Stefan Fischer. Hieronymus Bosch. The Complete Works. 40th Ed. (Hardcover)
Бренд: Республика

Hieronymus Bosch. The Complete Works. 40th Ed.Фантастические видения Иеронима Босха. Лишь 20 картин и восемь рисунков уверенно приписываются нидерландскому художнику Иерониму Босху (ок. 1450–1516), но своими фантастическими видениями они закрепили за ним место одного из самых культовых художников в истории. Спустя 500 лет после его смерти его работы продолжают вдохновлять ученых, художников, дизайнеров и музыкантов, имена дэт-металлических групп и дизайнерские платья. Это издание предлагает полный и запоминающийся мир Bosch в одном компактном формате. С помощью полных разворотов и тщательно отобранных деталей мы исследуем полный охват и убедительные изобретения гения художника, а также тревожное воображение. Мы сталкиваемся с его гибридными существами, его кошмарными сценариями, его религиозными и моральными рамками и его живописными версиями современных пословиц и идиом. Попутно искусствовед и эксперт Bosch Штефан Фишер раскрывает наиболее важные темы и влияния этих загадочных, завораживающих шедевров.Стефан Фишер изучал историю искусств, историю и классическую археологию в Мюнстере, Амстердаме и Бонне. В 2009 году он защитил докторскую диссертацию «Иероним Босх: Malerei als Vision, Lehrbild und Kunstwerk». Его специализацией являются нидерландская живопись 15-17 веков и музеология.The fantastical visions of Hieronymus Bosch. Only 20 paintings and eight drawings are confidently assigned to Netherlandish painter Hieronymus Bosch (c. 1450–1516) but in their fantastical visions they have secured his place as one of the most cult artists in history. 500 years on from his death, his works continue to inspire scholars, artists, designers, and musicians, death metal band names and designer dresses. This edition offers the complete and haunting Bosch world in one compact format. Through full spreads and carefully curated details, we explore the full reach and compelling inventions of the artist’s genius as well as disturbing imagination. We encounter his hybrid creatures, his nightmarish scenarios, his religious and moral framework, and his pictorial versions of contemporary proverbs and idioms. Along the way, art historian and Bosch expert Stefan Fischer reveals the most important themes and influences in these cryptic, mesmerizing masterpieces. Stefan Fischer studied art history, history, and classical archaeology in Münster, Amsterdam, and Bonn. In 2009 he completed his doctoral thesis “Hieronymus Bosch: Malerei als Vision, Lehrbild und Kunstwerk.” His specialist fields are Netherlandish painting of the 15th to the 17th centuries and museology.

3500 Руб.

Таро Иеронима Босха / The Hieronymus Bosch Tarot carroll margaret d hieronymus bosch
Таро Иеронима Босха / The Hieronymus Bosch Tarot
Бренд: Rосkрoоl publishing

B комплектe: 78 карт c цвeтным cpeзoм + Иллюстриpовaнный гайдбук нa Aнглийcком языке + плoтный футляр.Автоp: Трэвиc МaкГeнри, Иерoним БоcxИздательство Rосkрoоl publishingИзвеcтный оккультиcт и автор бecтсeллеров Трэвис МакГенри тщательно изолировал сцены и персонажей из самых известных картин Босха, чтобы создать уникальные образы, передающие мистический смысл и в то же время передающие философский дух традиционных карт Таро. В результате получилась красивая, вдохновляющая колода, непохожая ни на что, что вы когда-либо видели. Иногда юмористическое, иногда захватывающее, но всегда захватывающее, Таро Иеронима Босха будет цениться и как инструмент для гадания, и как оккультное произведение искусства. Особенностью этой колоды является верхняя коробка с двумя открывающимися панелями с магнитным замком, открывающими полное изображение «Сада земных наслаждений».

8400 Руб.

Bosing Walter Bosch carroll margaret d hieronymus bosch
Bosing Walter Bosch

Hieronymus Boschs detaillierte Visionen des Gottlichen und Grotesken Kryptisch und faszinierend: Die Meisterwerke von Hieronymus Bosch (um 1450-1516) gehoren bis heute zu den enigmatischsten Erscheinungen der Kunstwelt. Ihre detaillierten allegorischen und oftmals verstorenden Szenerien haben im Laufe der Jahrhunderte nicht nur Kunsthistoriker in ihren Bann gezogen, sondern auch Modedesigner, Rockstars, Dichter und Punkrocker sowie zahllose moderne und zeitgenossische bildende Kunstler. Obwohl Bosch in der altniederlandischen Malerei verwurzelt war, bildete er einen hochgradig subjektiven, anspielungsreichen Stil aus, um sowohl die Glucksseligkeiten des Himmels als auch die grotesken Torturen der Holle darzustellen – am spektakularsten wohl in Der Garten der Luste. In diesem wie auch in anderen Werken verstand er es, religiose Demut mit einem messerscharfen Witz zu verbinden, und spielte oft mit zeitgenossischen Sprichwortern oder Redewendungen. Dieses Buch liefert eine pragnante und umfassende Einfuhrung in Boschs geheimnisvolle und verlockende Bilderwelt.

3435 Руб.

Fiscer Stefan Bosch. The Complete Works carroll margaret d hieronymus bosch
Fiscer Stefan Bosch. The Complete Works

The complete works of Hieronymus Bosch A bird-monster devouring sinners, naked bodies in tantric contortions, a pair of ears brandishing a sharpened blade: with just 20 paintings and nine drawings to his name, Netherlandish visionary Hieronymus Bosch (c. 1450–1516) secured his place as a pillar of art history. To this day, the painter par excellence of hell and its demons continues to puzzle and enthrall scholars, artists, designers, and musicians alike. Based on the best-selling XXL edition, which saw TASCHEN commission new and exclusive photography of details and recently restored works, this large-scale monograph presents Bosch’s complete oeuvre. Texts from art historian and Bosch expert Stefan Fischer dissect the many compelling elements that populate each scene, from hybrid creatures of man and beast to Bosch’s pictorial use of proverbs and idioms. By tying together the elusive threads of his oeuvre into one exhaustive overview, this book reveals just what it was about Bosch and his painting that proved so immensely influential. Features: Impeccable full-page reproductions celebrating the artist’s staggering compositional scope Enlarged details unveiling the most intricate and bizarre scenes as much as the unsuspected technical minutiae, from subtle brush-strokes to the grain of the canvas A fold-out spread drawn from the legendary Last Judgement A special chapter focusing on Bosch’s most famous work, the mesmerizing and terrifying triptych The Garden of Earthly Delights

15147 Руб.


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