fisher roger c architectural guide south africa

Fisher Roger C. Architectural guide. South Africa fisher roger c architectural guide south africa
Fisher Roger C. Architectural guide. South Africa

Путеводитель представляет собрание наиболее значимых архитектурных объектов крупных южноафриканских городов: Кейптауна, Дурбана, Йоханнесбурга и Претории. Книга дает исчерпывающую информацию о более чем 150 зданиях и проектах: от более ранних периодов становления европейских поселений, когда архитекторы получали образование в военно-инженерных училищах, к XX веку и современности, когда профессия стала самостоятельной и авторитетной. Эта книга представляет собой достаточно полный обзор современной архитектуры Южной Африки. Все выбранные авторами здания являются общественными или светскими, а потому путешественнику будет легко их рассмотреть вблизи. Описание проектов содержит данные о времени их создания, именах проектировщиков и точном местоположении, которое легко найти с помощью QR-кодов. Язык издания: английский.

2057 Руб.

Sub-Saharan Africa. Architectural Guide (7 volumes) fisher roger c architectural guide south africa
Sub-Saharan Africa. Architectural Guide (7 volumes)

Despite the growing interest in Africa, the continent’s built environment is still largely unfamiliar in many parts of the world. The seven volumes of the Sub-Saharan Africa Architectural Guide form the first comprehensive overview of architecture south of the Sahara that does justice to the region’s wealth of buildings. In 49 chapters, each focusing on one country, richly illustrated texts by more than 350 authors from Africa and across the globe come together to produce a superlative work. On the basis of 850 selected buildings and over 200 thematic articles, the continent’s building culture is elucidated and contextualised. The diverse contributions paint a multifaceted picture of Africa’s architecture in the twenty-first century, a discipline shaped by traditional and colonial roots as well as today’s global interconnections and challenges. An introductory volume on the history and theory of African architecture provides essential background knowledge.

13705 Руб.

Artur Tokarev. Architectural guide. The South of Russia fisher roger c architectural guide south africa
Artur Tokarev. Architectural guide. The South of Russia
Бренд: Республика

Архитектура советского авангарда 1920-х — середины 1930-х годов привлекает все больше внимания как отечественных, так и зарубежных исследователей, но, несмотря на это, целые регионы остаются неисследованными. Одним из них до недавнего времени был Юг России - территория, охватывающая Южный федеральный округ и Северо-Кавказский федеральный округ.Отдельного упоминания заслуживает состояние этого архитектурного наследия. На Юге России в годы Второй мировой войны шли активные боевые действия и массовые разрушения. В ходе послевоенной реконструкции многие здания были перестроены в неоклассическом стиле, практически исчез целый пласт авангардных произведений. В постсоветские годы управление этими зданиями было не менее деструктивным.Этот путеводитель, являющийся результатом обширных исследований, делит рассматриваемые объекты на две группы: те, что сохранились, и те, которые были потеряны навсегда. К счастью, «Архитектурный путеводитель Юг России» позволяет читателям увидеть своими глазами более 100 избранных зданий советского авангарда.The architecture of the Soviet avant-garde of the 1920s and mid-1930s is attracting more and more attention from both domestic and foreign researchers, but in spite of this, entire regions ­remain unexplored. One of them, until recently, was the South of Russia - an area that encom­passes the Southern Federal Dis­­trict and the North Caucasus Federal District.The state of this architectural heritage deserves special mention. In the South of Russia during the Second World War, there were active hostilities and mass destruction. Over the course of post-war reconstruction, many buildings were rebuilt in a neo­classical style, and a whole layer of avant-­garde works nearly disappeared. During the post-­Soviet years, the management of these buildings was no less destructive.The product of extensive research, this guidebook divides the objects in question into two groups: those that have survived and those that have been lost forever. ­Fortunately, Architectural Guide The South of Russia allows readers to see more than 100 selected buildings of the Soviet avantgarde with their own eyes.

4290 Руб.

Cool Hotels Africa/Middle East fisher roger c architectural guide south africa
Cool Hotels Africa/Middle East

Cool Hotels Africa/Middle East showcases a comprehensive selection of cutting-edge hotels that embody the best in contemporary hotel design. This useful flexicover guide is extensively illustrated with approximately 400 color photographs, highlighting the interiors and exteriors of these striking accommodations. This overview includes designs from Enrico Daffonchio, Peter Matkovitch and Ed Tuttle in locations as diverse as South Africa, Kenya, Mauritius and Morocco. An extensive compilation of the most contemporary hotels in Africa and the Middle East ? Illustrations and text provide useful information to both design professionals and travelers Test in English, French, Spanish, German, Italian

1228 Руб.

Architectural guide. Venice fisher roger c architectural guide south africa
Architectural guide. Venice

Эта книга – первый путеводитель по современной архитектуре Венеции – города-музея под открытым небом, места, которое словно магнит привлекает архитекторов со всего мира, ведь именно здесь каждые два года проходит крупнейшее событие в мире архитектуры – Венецианская архитектурная биеннале. Архитектурный путеводитель предлагает читателю узнать иную, не столь знакомую нам Венецию после 1950 года. Он включает водные и пешеходные маршруты по островной и континентальной Венеции, а также по площадкам Биеннале. В книге рассказывается о наиболее значимых проектах Карло Скарпы, Тадао Андо, Дэвида Чипперфильда и других всемирно известных архитекторов. Специальная глава книги посвящена масштабным, но нереализованным концепциям таких известных мастеров, как Фрэнк Ллойд Райт, Ле Корбюзье и Луис Кан. Язык издания: английский.

2273 Руб.

Architectural guide. Pyongyang fisher roger c architectural guide south africa
Architectural guide. Pyongyang

Столица Северной Кореи Пхеньян – город, скрытый за политическим занавесом. Но сегодня у путешественников есть возможность узнать больше об этом городе благодаря уникальному архитектурному путеводителю, изданному в двух томах. Первый том включает описание почти ста современных проектов Пхеньяна, второй анализирует архитектурный и исторический контекст столицы КНДР. Язык издания: английский.

3833 Руб.

Chile. Architectural Guide fisher roger c architectural guide south africa
Chile. Architectural Guide

Tierra del Fuego, Patagonia, Atacama Desert and the Pacific Coast: even today the apperception of Chile remains remote and indistinct. There is no doubt that its geographical location – confined between the Pacific Ocean and the Andes mountain range – has had a role to play in the relative nescience, although it was the former political situation that led to the country’s isolation for almost twenty years. In fact, it is only in these last fifteen years that Chilean architecture has appeared on the international stage, mostly owing to Mathias Klotz, Alejandro Aravena, Smiljan Radic and Pezo von Ellrichsausen, amongst others. Chile can take pride in having built some genuine Modern masterpieces whilst having preserved a close relationship with its culture. During the twentieth century Europe provided Chile with sources of inspiration. Le Corbusier had a great influence on Chilean architects despite never having visited the country; his followers, such as Emilio Duhart, Roberto Davila and the BVCH office, realised buildings which are today internalised deep in the Chilean psyche. The Bauhaus movement served as another influence for architects such as Sergio Larrain. Overall, this book aims to be a practical reference source of the best architectural works of the twentieth and twenty-first centuries in Chile.

2431 Руб.

Tokarev Artur, Bychkov Igor Architectural guide. The South of Russia. Buildings of the Soviet Avant-Garde 1922–1936 fisher roger c architectural guide south africa
Tokarev Artur, Bychkov Igor Architectural guide. The South of Russia. Buildings of the Soviet Avant-Garde 1922–1936

The architecture of the Soviet avant-garde of the 1920s and mid-1930s is attracting more and more attention from both domestic and foreign researchers, but in spite of this, entire regions ­remain unexplored. One of them, until recently, was the South of Russia - an area that encom­passes the Southern Federal Dis­­trict and the North Caucasus Federal District. The state of this architectural heritage deserves special mention. In the South of Russia during the Second World War, there were active hostilities and mass destruction. Over the course of post-war reconstruction, many buildings were rebuilt in a neo­classical style, and a whole layer of avant-­garde works nearly disappeared. During the post-­Soviet years, the management of these buildings was no less destructive. The product of extensive research, this guidebook divides the objects in question into two groups: those that have survived and those that have been lost forever. ­Fortunately, Architectural Guide The South of Russia allows readers to see more than 100 selected buildings of the Soviet avantgarde with their own eyes.

3833 Руб.

ЮАР 10 центов 2003 г. fisher roger c architectural guide south africa
ЮАР 10 центов 2003 г.

Аверс South Africa 2003 KE E XARRA KE ALSМинцмейстер Arthur SutherlandРеверс 10c RCMМинцмейстер Robert McFarlaneМонетный двор South African Mint Centurion South AfricaСтрана: ЮАРШxДxВ: 16x16x1Вес: 0.002Номинал:10 центовГурт: РубчатыйДиаметр, мм:16Вид чекана: Регулярный выпускНомер по каталогу: KM 347Материал: Сталь с бронзовым покрытиемГод:2003Сохранность: VF+

ЮАР 10 центов 1993 г. fisher roger c architectural guide south africa
ЮАР 10 центов 1993 г.

Аверс SUIDAFRIKA SOUTH AFRICA EX UNITATE VIRES ALS 1993Минцмейстер Arthur SutherlandРеверс 10c RCMМинцмейстер Robert Campbell McFarlaneМонетный двор South African Mint Centurion South AfricaСтрана: ЮАРШxДxВ: 16x16x1Вес: 0.002Номинал:10 центовГурт: РубчатыйДиаметр, мм:16Вид чекана: Регулярный выпускТираж, шт:32000000Номер по каталогу: KM 135Материал: Сталь с бронзовым покрытиемГод:1993Сохранность: VF+

ЮАР 50 центов 1991 г. fisher roger c architectural guide south africa
ЮАР 50 центов 1991 г.

Аверс SUIDAFRIKA SOUTH AFRICA EX UNITATE VIRES 1991 ALSМинцмейстер Arthur SutherlandРеверс 50c GCМинцмейстер Grant CogleМонетный двор South African Mint Centurion South AfricaСтрана: ЮАРШxДxВ: 22x22x1Вес: 0.005Номинал:50 центовГурт: РубчатыйДиаметр, мм:22Вид чекана: Регулярный выпускТираж, шт:23988200Номер по каталогу: KM 137Материал: Сталь с бронзовым покрытиемГод:1991Сохранность: VF+

Fantasy Worlds fisher roger c architectural guide south africa
Fantasy Worlds

One day, Ferdinand Cheval, a French postman, came across a stone at Hauterives near Lyon, and was fascinated by its strange, evocative shape. He spent the next three decades collecting stones, shells, and fossils, and used them to build the Palais ideal. Cheval's palace is one of many works of architectural fantasy in this book, the result of over 20 years' research by celebrated architectural photographer Deidi von Schaewen. Like Cheval, the creators of these extraordinary worlds simply started building, with no rules to guide them and, in most cases, no previous artistic experience. These fantasy palaces, bizarre sanctuaries, and colorful sculpture gardens seldom follow a plan. Often the artists continued building for many years, sometimes until their dying day. Their work is impossible to categorise: Art brut, architecture with-out architects, self-taught art, fantasy architecture in the tradition of Piranesi, non-academic architecture, Outsider Art - none of these definitions quite encapsulates this worldwide phenomenon. Eccentric hideaways like the Tour de l'Apocalypse in Belgium, the Junkerhaus at Lemgo or the Owl House in South Africa appear alongside Simon Rodia's Watts Towers, which dominate the cityscape of Los Angeles. To venture into this world is to immerse oneself in the collective unconscious. The addresses of sites open to the public are listed in the appendix.

1012 Руб.

Bognar Botond Japan. Architectural guide fisher roger c architectural guide south africa
Bognar Botond Japan. Architectural guide

Contemporary Japanese architecture has, for over half a century, achieved worldwide recognition not only for its highly innovative and often futuristic qualities, but also for its sensitive response to Japan's cultural and physical context, which has become especially challenging given the country's increasingly urbanised environment. Today, Japan's contemporary architecture is admired perhaps as much as its traditional counterpart, with which it often maintains a meaningful dialogue. Botond Bognar's Architectural Guide Japan introduces close to 700 of the most prominent examples of this fertile architecture, in addition to outlining its development from the mid-nineteenth century to the present in a concise historical essay. All texts are accompanied by about 930 colour photos, all taken by the author, and over 90 drawings. Detailed information about each entry is enhanced by geodata in the form of QR codes.

4008 Руб.

Meuser Paul Moon. Architectural Guide fisher roger c architectural guide south africa
Meuser Paul Moon. Architectural Guide

Architecture on the moon is no longer a naive fantasy dreamt up by space-flight pioneers. In fact, various building typologies for lunar architecture have emerged in recent years. Their prototypes are being tested in hostile regions on Earth and are waiting to be deployed on the moon. This book's publication marks the 50th anniversary of the first human landing on the moon. It examines all artefacts that we have sent to the moon, from bizarre technologies to habitation modules for astronauts. This architectural guide thus offers a full retrospective of the history of lunar missions, from the space race during the Cold War through to the missions being prepared by China, India, and Israel in the present day. All of these are considered under the rubric of architecture. At the same time, efforts to commercialise space travel have come to the fore in recent years. New players have entered the stage, competing to utilise the moon's vast and untouched resources. This book also presents essays by and interviews with space experts, including a discussion with Galina Balashova, renowned architect of the ­Soviet space programme, and a piece by Alexander Glushko, son of Valentin Glushko, legendary head engineer of the Soviet space programme. Brian ­Harvey, Gurbir Singh, and Olga Bannova provide an insight into current and future developments in lunar architecture, writing on China, India, and the US, respectively.

3559 Руб.

Weissbach Heiko Aarhus. Architectural Guide fisher roger c architectural guide south africa
Weissbach Heiko Aarhus. Architectural Guide

Aarhus is an architectural jewel on the periphery of Continental Europe. The self-proclaimed world's smallest city has borne the pet name City of Smiles for many decades in order to promote itself and its good vibe. Today, the Danish city is primarily a city prominent for education and training with a School of Architecture which is highly conducive to Aarhus having the highest density of architects throughout the country. In addition to key buildings from the twentieth century, the Architectural Guide Aarhus seeks to present spectacular new buildings from recent years. Ten tours, which are classified according to their geographic scope, provide an overview of almost 150 buildings and projects. Complementary essays provide background knowledge on urban history, the history of specific quarters and renowned architects who have contributed to making Aarhus an European architectural metropolis - and not only since the City of Culture year of 2017.

1182 Руб.

Meuser Philipp Architectural guide. Astana fisher roger c architectural guide south africa
Meuser Philipp Architectural guide. Astana

Среди бесконечных равнинных просторов Казахстана возник экстраординарный архитектурный эксперимент: Астана. Всемирно известные и местные архитекторы проектируют здесь захватывающие дух здания. Всего через 20 лет после основания в этом городе прошла ЭКСПО-2017. Книга представляет 80 разных зданий и проектов, исследуя прихотливый архитектурный сплав восточных традиций, западных моделей и советских влияний. Язык издания: английский.

1892 Руб.


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